Will JavaScript type annotations kill TypeScript?
The creators of Svelte and Turbo 8 both dropped TS recently saying that "it's not worth it".
Yes: If JavaScript gets type annotations then there's no reason for TypeScript to exist.
No: TypeScript remains the best language for structuring large enterprise applications.
TBD: The existing user base and its corpensource owner means that TypeScript isn’t likely to reach EOL without a putting up a fight.
I hope they both die. I mean, if you really need strong types in the browser then you could leverage WASM and use a real programming language.
I don’t know and I don’t care.
Cloud Services / DevOps

Simplifying Cluster Connectivity with Istio Service Mesh

A look at key considerations when setting up a multicluster service mesh using the popular service mesh platform Istio.
Aug 23rd, 2023 5:32am by
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This is the first in a two-part series.

Multicluster service connectivity is becoming essential in modern distributed applications and cloud native environments. Some of the key reasons organizations require multicluster service connectivity include:

  • Microservices and scaling: In microservices architectures, services are broken down into smaller, manageable components. Multicluster service connectivity allows deploying microservices independently in different clusters, facilitating horizontal scaling and simplifying application management.
  • Geographic distribution: Multicluster service connectivity allows the distribution of applications and services across different virtual private clouds (VPCs), regions or data centers, reducing latency and providing better performance for users in various geographical locations.
  • High availability and redundancy: Connecting services across multiple clusters provides high availability and redundancy. If one cluster goes down due to maintenance or unexpected issues, the services can seamlessly fail over to another cluster, ensuring continuous service availability.
  • Load balancing and traffic distribution: By distributing traffic across multiple clusters, organizations can balance the load on individual clusters, preventing overloading and ensuring optimal performance.
  • Specialized services: Access to specialized services is one of the significant advantages of adopting a multicloud strategy. It allows organizations to leverage unique and specialized services provided by different cloud providers, tailoring their solutions to meet specific business needs.
  • Cost optimization: Organizations can optimize their cloud spending by selecting cost-effective specialized services from different providers. Based on workload demands, they can take advantage of price differences, spot instances and reserved instances.
  • Flexibility and agility: Multicluster service connectivity provides the flexibility to deploy applications in diverse environments, supporting various development and testing workflows and allowing faster experimentation and innovation.

Because of the above reasons, running large applications spanning multiple cloud regions or sometimes across different cloud providers has become a common practice.

What Is a Service Mesh?

Service mesh is a dedicated infrastructure layer that handles service-to-service communication within a distributed application. It is particularly prevalent in cloud native environments, where applications are built using a microservices architecture. It provides a set of functionalities and capabilities that enhance the connectivity, security and observability of microservices-based applications.

Service mesh has become the de facto standard for connecting multicluster services due to its ability to address the challenges and complexities associated with microservices architectures and multicluster environments. Here are some key reasons service mesh emerged as the standard solution for multicluster service connectivity:

  • Microservices architecture: Service mesh provides a dedicated layer for handling service-to-service communication, offering features like load balancing, service discovery and routing, making it ideal for microservices-based applications.
  • Network complexity: In multicluster environments, managing network connectivity between clusters, especially in different cloud providers or data centers, can be daunting. Service mesh abstracts away this complexity, providing a consistent and unified approach to managing service communication across clusters.
  • Consistent service-to-service communication: Service mesh ensures uniform connectivity between services, regardless of location or the underlying infrastructure. This consistent communication pattern is crucial for multicluster setups, enabling seamless interactions between services running in different clusters.
  • Security and encryption: In multicluster environments, securing communication between services becomes critical. Service mesh solutions often offer built-in security features like mutual TLS encryption, authentication and authorization, ensuring secure communication channels between services across clusters.
  • Observability and monitoring: Monitoring and debugging applications in multi-cluster environments can be challenging due to the distributed nature of the infrastructure. Service mesh platforms typically provide powerful observability tools, such as logging, tracing and metrics, allowing comprehensive monitoring of service-to-service communication across clusters.
  • Vendor neutrality: Service mesh solutions are typically cloud-agnostic and support various Kubernetes-based environments. This vendor neutrality will enable organizations to implement multicluster service connectivity without being locked into a specific cloud provider.
  • Community adoption and ecosystem: Service mesh technology, particularly solutions like Istio and Linkerd, has gained widespread adoption with an active community and ecosystem. The availability of documentation, tutorials and community support makes it easier for organizations to adopt and integrate service mesh into their multicluster architectures.
  • Continuous evolution and improvement: Service mesh technologies continue to evolve and improve, with regular updates, new features and performance enhancements being introduced. This ongoing development ensures that service mesh remains relevant and capable of addressing the evolving needs of multicluster environments.
  • Industry standards and best practices: As service mesh adoption has grown, it has become a recognized industry standard and best practice for connecting multicluster services. Industry leaders and cloud native organizations widely endorse and promote the use of service mesh to address the challenges of multicluster connectivity.

The traffic management, security and observability capabilities of service mesh make it a compelling choice for organizations seeking to harness the benefits of multicloud and hybrid-cloud architectures.

Key Considerations for Setting Up a Multicloud/Multicluster Istio Environment

Setting up a multicluster service mesh involves several steps to ensure seamless communication between services across Kubernetes clusters. Below are prerequisites and several key considerations when setting up a multicluster service mesh using the popular service mesh platform Istio.


  • Kubernetes clusters: You need at least two Kubernetes clusters in different environments (different cloud providers, on-premises or hybrid).
  • Kubernetes cluster access: Ensure you have access and the necessary permissions to manage resources in each cluster.
  • Istio installation: Install Istio on each cluster. Follow the official Istio documentation for the installation steps.

Key Considerations: 

Configure trust and certificates: Establish trust between the Kubernetes clusters to enable secure communication between the clusters. This typically involves setting up certificates and keys for mutual TLS authentication between the clusters.

Enable cross-cluster communication: Ensure that the Kubernetes clusters can communicate with each other over the network. This may require configuring firewalls, network policies or load balancers to allow traffic between the clusters.

Configure Istio control plane: Set up the Istio control plane on each cluster. The control plane manages and configures the Istio components, including sidecar proxies, across the clusters.

Configure sidecar proxies: Deploy sidecar proxies (Envoy) alongside the services in each cluster. Sidecar proxies intercept and manage the traffic to and from the services.

Configure service discovery: Configure service discovery to enable services in one cluster to discover and communicate with services in other clusters. This might involve exposing the Kube API server across networks so the Istio control plane can perform service discovery.

Configure traffic routing: Define traffic routing rules to control how requests are routed between services in different clusters. Istio’s traffic management features, such as VirtualServices and DestinationRules, can be used for this purpose.

Configure load balancing and failover: Configure load balancing and failover mechanisms to ensure that traffic is efficiently distributed among service instances in different clusters and that services can fail over to other clusters if needed.

Configure security: Set up Istio’s security features, such as mutual TLS authentication and authorization policies, to secure communication between services across clusters.

Monitor and observe: Use Istio’s observability features, such as distributed tracing and metrics, to monitor the health and performance of the multicluster service mesh.

Test and verify: Thoroughly test the setup to ensure that services in different clusters can communicate seamlessly and that traffic is routed correctly.

Continuous maintenance and updates: Regularly maintain and update the multicluster service mesh to keep it secure, performant and aligned with the evolving needs of the applications and clusters.


It’s important to note that setting up a multicluster service mesh can be complex, and the exact steps can vary depending on the service mesh platform and your specific environment. Here are some key challenges involved in setting up and maintaining multicluster service mesh:

  • Consistent configuration: Ensuring consistent configuration across multiple clusters is crucial for the proper functioning of the service mesh.
  • Network connectivity: A vital step, establishing network connectivity requires setting up secure communication channels, often across public or hybrid cloud environments. Dealing with network infrastructure, firewalls and security policies can introduce challenges in establishing and maintaining connectivity between clusters.
  • Service discovery: Ensuring that services in one cluster can discover and communicate with services in other clusters requires careful configuration and coordination.
  • Monitoring and troubleshooting: Monitoring and troubleshooting can be complex due to the increased number of components and the distributed nature of the infrastructure.

To address these challenges, adopting Infrastructure as Code (IaC) approaches for configuration management and automation tools for consistent deployments is recommended. At Rafay, we have also developed an open source CLI tool to simplify the configuration.

The second part of this blog series will share a reference design and example configuration of a multicluster Istio service mesh deployment as well as more details on the open source CLI tool.


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