Will JavaScript type annotations kill TypeScript?
The creators of Svelte and Turbo 8 both dropped TS recently saying that "it's not worth it".
Yes: If JavaScript gets type annotations then there's no reason for TypeScript to exist.
No: TypeScript remains the best language for structuring large enterprise applications.
TBD: The existing user base and its corpensource owner means that TypeScript isn’t likely to reach EOL without a putting up a fight.
I hope they both die. I mean, if you really need strong types in the browser then you could leverage WASM and use a real programming language.
I don’t know and I don’t care.
Cloud Native Ecosystem / Observability / Platform Engineering

Next-Gen Observability: Monitoring and Analytics in Platform Engineering

Observability reshapes platform management by providing real-time insights, proactive detection of anomalies, and informed decision-making.
Sep 12th, 2023 4:00am by
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Feature image by Михаил Прокопенко from Pixabay.

As applications become more complex, dynamic, and interconnected, the need for robust and resilient platforms to support them has become a foundational requirement. Platform engineering is the art of crafting these robust foundations, encompassing everything from orchestrating microservices to managing infrastructure at scale.

In this context, the concept of Next-Generation Observability emerges as a crucial enabler for platform engineering excellence. Observability transcends the traditional boundaries of monitoring and analytics, providing a comprehensive and insightful view into the inner workings of complex software ecosystems. It goes beyond mere visibility, empowering platform engineers with the knowledge and tools to navigate the intricacies of distributed systems, respond swiftly to incidents, and proactively optimize performance.

Challenges Specific to Platform Engineering

Platform engineering presents unique challenges that demand innovative solutions. As platforms evolve, they inherently become more intricate, incorporating a multitude of interconnected services, microservices, containers, and more. This complexity introduces a host of potential pitfalls:

  • Distributed Nature: Services are distributed across various nodes and locations, making it challenging to comprehend their interactions and dependencies.
  • Scaling Demands: As platform usage scales, ensuring seamless scalability across all components becomes a priority, requiring dynamic resource allocation and load balancing.
  • Resilience Mandate: Platform outages or degraded performance can have cascading effects on the applications that rely on them, making platform resilience paramount.

The Role of Next-Gen Observability

Next-Gen observability steps in as a transformative force to address these challenges head-on. It equips platform engineers with tools to see beyond the surface, enabling them to peer into the intricacies of service interactions, trace data flows, and understand the performance characteristics of the entire platform. By aggregating data from metrics, logs, and distributed traces, observability provides a holistic perspective that transcends the limitations of siloed monitoring tools.

This article explores the marriage of Next-Gen Observability and platform engineering. It delves into the intricacies of how observability reshapes platform management by providing real-time insights, proactive detection of anomalies, and informed decision-making for optimizing resource utilization. By combining the power of observability with the art of platform engineering, organizations can architect resilient and high-performing platforms that form the bedrock of modern applications.

Understanding Platform Engineering

Platform engineering plays a pivotal role in shaping the foundation upon which applications are built and delivered. At its core, platform engineering encompasses the design, development, and management of the infrastructure, services, and tools that support the entire application ecosystem.

Platform engineering is the discipline that crafts the technical underpinnings required for applications to thrive. It involves creating a cohesive ecosystem of services, libraries, and frameworks that abstract away complexities, allowing application developers to focus on building differentiated features rather than grappling with infrastructure intricacies.

A defining characteristic of platforms is their intricate web of interconnected services and components. These components range from microservices to databases, load balancers, caching systems, and more. These elements collaborate seamlessly to provide the functionalities required by the applications that rely on the platform.

The management of platform environments is marked by inherent complexities. Orchestrating diverse services, ensuring seamless communication, managing the scale-out and scale-in of resources, and maintaining consistent performance levels present a multifaceted challenge. Platform engineers must tackle these complexities while also considering factors like security, scalability, and maintainability.

Platform outages wield repercussions that stretch beyond the boundaries of the platform itself, casting a pervasive shadow over the entire application ecosystem. These disruptions reverberate, resulting in downtimes, data loss, and a clientele that’s both agitated and dismayed. The ramifications encompass more than just the immediate fiscal losses; they extend to a long-lasting tarnish on a company’s reputation, eroding trust and confidence.

In the contemporary landscape, user expectations hinge on the delivery of unwaveringly consistent and dependable experiences. The slightest lapse in platform performance has the potential to mar user satisfaction. This can, in turn, lead to a disheartening ripple effect, manifesting as user attrition and missed avenues for business growth. The prerequisite for safeguarding high-quality user experiences necessitates the robustness of the platform itself.

Enter the pivotal concept of observability — a cornerstone in the architecture of modern platform engineering. Observability serves as a beacon of hope, endowing platform engineers with an arsenal of tools that transcend mere visibility. These tools enable engineers to transcend the surface and plunge into the intricate machinations of the platform’s core.

This dynamic insight allows them to navigate the labyrinth of intricate interactions, promptly diagnosing issues and offering remedies in real-time. With its profound capacity to unfurl the platform’s inner workings, observability empowers engineers to swiftly identify and address problems, thereby mitigating the impact of disruptions and fortifying the platform’s resilience against adversity.

Core Concepts of Next-Gen Observability for Platform Engineering

Amidst the intricacies of platform engineering, where a multitude of services work in concert to deliver a spectrum of functionalities, comprehending the intricate interplay within a distributed platform presents an imposing challenge.

At the heart of this challenge lies a complexity born of a web of interconnected services, each with specific tasks and responsibilities. These services often span a gamut of nodes, containers, and even geographical locations. Consequently, tracing the journey of a solitary request as it navigates this intricate network becomes an endeavor fraught with intricacies and nuances.

In this labyrinthine landscape, the beacon of distributed tracing emerges as a powerful solution. This technique, akin to unraveling a tightly woven thread, illuminates the flow of requests across the expanse of services. In capturing these intricate journeys, distributed tracing unravels insights into service dependencies, bottlenecks causing latency, and the intricate tapestry of communication patterns. As if endowed with the ability to see the threads that weave the fabric of the platform, platform engineers gain a holistic view of the journey each request undertakes. This newfound clarity empowers them to pinpoint issues with precision and optimize with agility.

However, the advantages of distributed tracing transcend the microcosm of individual services. The insights garnered extend their reach to encompass the platform as a whole. Platform engineers leverage these insights to unearth systemic concerns that span multiple services. Bottlenecks, latency fluctuations, and failures that cast a shadow over the entire platform are promptly brought to light. The outcomes are far-reaching: heightened performance, curtailed downtimes, and ultimately, a marked enhancement in user experiences. In the intricate dance of platform engineering, distributed tracing emerges as a beacon that dispels complexity, illuminating pathways to optimal performance and heightened resilience.

At the nucleus of observability, metrics and monitoring take center stage, offering a panoramic view of the platform’s vitality and efficiency.

Metrics, those quantifiable signposts, unfold a tapestry of data that encapsulates the platform’s multifaceted functionality. From the utilization of the CPU and memory to the swift cadence of response times and the mosaic of error rates, metrics lay bare the inner workings, revealing a clear depiction of the platform’s operational health.

A parallel function of this duo is the art of monitoring — an ongoing vigil that unveils deviations from the expected norm. The metrics, acting as data sentinels, diligently flag sudden surges in resource consumption, the emergence of perplexing error rates, or deviations from the established patterns of performance. Yet, the role of monitoring transcends mere alerting; it is a beacon of foresight. By continuously surveying these metrics, monitoring predicts the need for scalability. As the platform’s utilization ebbs and flows, as users and requests surge and recede, the platform’s orchestration must adapt in stride. Proactive monitoring stands guard, ensuring that resources are dynamically assigned, and ready to accommodate surging demands.

And within this dance of metrics and monitoring, the dynamic nature of platform scalability comes to the fore. In the tapestry of modern platforms, scalability is woven as an intrinsic thread. As users and their requests ebb and flow, as services and their load variate, the platform must be malleable, and capable of graceful expansion and contraction. Observability, cast in the role of a linchpin, empowers platform engineers with the real-time pulse of these transitions. Armed with the insights furnished by observability, the engineers oversee the ebb and flow of the platform’s performance, ensuring a proactive, rather than reactive, approach to scaling. Thus, as the symphony of the platform unfolds, observability lends its harmonious notes, orchestrating the platform’s graceful ballet amidst varying loads.

In the intricate tapestry of platform engineering, logs emerge as the textual chronicles that unveil the story of platform events.

Logs assume the role of a scribe, documenting the narrative of occurrences, errors, and undertakings within the platform’s realm. In their meticulously structured entries, they create a chronological trail of the endeavors undertaken by various components. The insights gleaned from logs provide a contextual backdrop for observability, enabling platform engineers to dissect the sequences that lead to anomalies or incidents.

However, in the context of multi-service environments within complex platforms, the aggregation and analysis of logs take on a daunting hue. With a myriad of services coexisting, the task of corralling logs spreads across diverse nodes and instances. Uniting these scattered logs to craft a coherent narrative poses a formidable challenge, amplified by the sheer volume of logs generated in such an environment.

Addressing this intricate challenge are solutions that carve paths for efficient log analysis. The likes of log aggregation tools, with exemplars like the ELK Stack comprising Elasticsearch, Logstash, and Kibana, stand as guiding beacons. These tools facilitate the central collection, indexing, and visualization of logs. The platform engineer’s endeavors to search, filter, and analyze logs are fortified by these tools, offering a streamlined process. Swiftly tracing the origins of incidents becomes a reality, empowering engineers in the realm of effective troubleshooting and expedited resolution. As logs evolve from mere entries to a mosaic of insight, these tools, augmented by observability, light the way to enhanced platform understanding and resilience.

Implementing Next-Gen Observability in Platform Engineering

Instrumenting code across the breadth of services within a platform is the gateway to achieving granular observability.

Here are some factors to consider:

  • Granular Observability Data: Instrumentation involves embedding code with monitoring capabilities to gather insights into service behavior. This allows engineers to track performance metrics, capture traces, and log events at the code level. Granular observability data provides a fine-grained view of each service’s interactions, facilitating comprehensive understanding.
  • Best Practices for Instrumentation: Effective instrumentation requires a thoughtful approach. Platform engineers need to carefully select the metrics, traces, and logs to capture without introducing excessive overhead. Best practices include aligning instrumentation with key business and operational metrics, considering sampling strategies to manage data volume, and ensuring compatibility with observability tooling.
  • Code-Level Observability for Bottleneck Identification: Code-level observability plays a pivotal role in identifying bottlenecks that affect platform performance. Engineers can trace request flows, pinpoint latency spikes, and analyze service interactions. By understanding how services collaborate and identifying resource-intensive components, engineers can optimize the platform for enhanced efficiency.

Proactive Monitoring and Incident Response

Proactive monitoring enables platform engineers to preemptively identify potential issues before they escalate into major incidents.

The proactive monitoring approach involves setting up alerts and triggers that detect anomalies based on predefined thresholds. By continuously monitoring metrics, engineers can identify deviations from expected behavior early on. This empowers them to take corrective actions before users are affected.

Observability data seamlessly integrates into incident response workflows. When an incident occurs, engineers can access real-time observability insights to quickly diagnose the root cause. This reduces mean time to resolution (MTTR) by providing immediate context and actionable data for effective incident mitigation.

Observability provides real-time insights into the behavior of the entire platform during incidents. Engineers can analyze traces, metrics, and logs to trace the propagation of issues across services. This facilitates accurate root cause analysis and swift remediation.

Scaling Observability with Platform Growth

 Scaling observability alongside the platform’s growth introduces challenges related to data volume, resource allocation, and tooling capabilities. The sheer amount of observability data generated by numerous services can overwhelm traditional approaches.

To manage the influx of data, observability pipelines come into play. These pipelines facilitate the collection, aggregation, and processing of observability data. By strategically designing pipelines, engineers can manage data flow, filter out noise, and ensure that relevant insights are available for analysis.

Observability is not static; it evolves alongside the platform’s expansion. Engineers need to continually assess and adjust their observability strategies as the platform’s architecture, services, and user base evolve. This ensures that observability remains effective in uncovering insights that aid in decision-making and optimization.

Achieving Platform Engineering Excellence Through Observability

At its core, observability unfurls real-time insights into the dynamic symphony of platform resource utilization. Metrics, such as the rhythm of CPU usage, the cadence of memory consumption, and the tempo of network latency, play harmonious notes that guide engineers. These metrics, akin to notes on a musical score, disclose the underutilized instruments and the overplayed chords. Such insights propel engineers to allocate resources judiciously, deftly treading the fine line between scaling and conserving, balancing and distributing.

Yet, observability is not just a map; it’s an artist’s palette. With its brushes dipped in data, it empowers engineers to craft performances of peak precision. Within the intricate canvas of observability data lies the artist’s ability to diagnose performance constraints and areas of inefficiency. Traces and metrics unveil secrets, pointing out latency crescendos, excessive resource indulgence, and the interplay of service dependencies that orchestrate slowdowns. Armed with these revelations, engineers don the mantle of virtuosity, fine-tuning the components of the platform. The aim is nothing short of optimal performance, a symphony of efficiency that resonates throughout the platform.

Real-world vignettes, cast as case studies, offer a vivid tableau of the observability’s transformative impact. These tales unfold how insights, gleaned through observability, yield tangible performance enhancements. The chronicles narrate stories of reduced response times, streamlined operations, and harmonized experiences. These are not merely anecdotes but showcases of observability data weaving into the very fabric of engineering decisions, orchestrating leaps of performance that resonate with discernible gains. In the intricate choreography of platform engineering, observability dons multiple roles — an instructor, a composer, and an architect of performance enhancement.

Ensuring Business Continuity and User Satisfaction

In the intricate interplay of business operations and user satisfaction, observability emerges as a safety net, a sentinel that safeguards business continuity and elevates user contentment.

In the realm of business operations, observability stands as a sentinel against the tempestuous tide of platform outages. The turbulence of such outages can unsettle business operations and erode the very bedrock of user trust. Observability steps in, orchestrating a swift ballet of incident identification and resolution. In this dynamic dance, engineers leverage real-time insights as beacons, pinpointing the elusive root causes that underlie issues. The power of observability ensures that recovery is swift, and the impact is pared down, a testament to its role in minimizing downtime’s blow.

Yet, observability’s canvas extends beyond the realm of business operations. It stretches its reach to the very threshold of user experience. Here, it unveils a compelling correlation—platform health waltzes in tandem with user satisfaction. A sluggish response, a dissonant error, or the stark absence of service can fracture user experiences, spurring disenchantment and even churn. The portal to user interactions, as illuminated by observability data, becomes the looking glass through which engineers peer. This vantage point affords a glimpse into the sentiment of users and their interactions. The insights unveiled through observability carve a pathway for engineers to align platform behavior with user sentiment, choreographing proactive measures that engender positive experiences.

As the proverbial cherry on top, case studies illuminate observability’s transformative prowess. These real-world tales narrate how the tapestry of observability-driven optimizations interlaces with the fabric of user satisfaction.

From smoothing the checkout processes in the e-commerce realm to fine-tuning video streaming experiences, these examples resonate as testimonies to observability’s role in crafting user-centric platforms. In this symphony of platform engineering, observability stands as a conductor, orchestrating harmony between business continuity and user contentment.


Observability isn’t a mere tool; it’s a mindset that reshapes how we understand, manage, and optimize platforms. The world of software engineering is evolving, and those who embrace the power of Next-Gen Observability will be better equipped to build robust, scalable, and user-centric platforms that define the future.

As you continue your journey in platform engineering, remember that the path to excellence is paved with insights, data, and observability. Embrace this paradigm shift and propel your platform engineering endeavors to new heights by integrating observability into the very DNA of your strategies. Your platforms will not only weather the storms of complexity but will also emerge stronger, more resilient, and ready to redefine the boundaries of what’s possible.

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