Will JavaScript type annotations kill TypeScript?
The creators of Svelte and Turbo 8 both dropped TS recently saying that "it's not worth it".
Yes: If JavaScript gets type annotations then there's no reason for TypeScript to exist.
No: TypeScript remains the best language for structuring large enterprise applications.
TBD: The existing user base and its corpensource owner means that TypeScript isn’t likely to reach EOL without a putting up a fight.
I hope they both die. I mean, if you really need strong types in the browser then you could leverage WASM and use a real programming language.
I don’t know and I don’t care.
Containers / Operations

Dive: A Simple App for Viewing the Contents of a Docker Image

Have you ever wanted to know the pieces that comprised a Docker image, without having to build a complete Software Bill of Materials first? Dive provides the insight.
Sep 2nd, 2023 3:00am by
Featued image for: Dive: A Simple App for Viewing the Contents of a Docker Image
Feature screenshot courtesy of Dive.

Have you ever wanted to know the pieces that comprised a Docker image, without having to build a complete Software Bill of Materials first? Maybe you not only want to view the contents but find ways of shrinking the size of those images?

To do that, you need to know things like layers, layer details, the contents of each layer and image details.

Sounds like hard work, doesn’t it?

With the help of an app called Dive, the process is actually quite simple.

Dive includes the following features:

  • Image content breakdown
  • Displays content detail of each layer
  • Displays the total size of the image being examined
  • Displays wasted space within the image (lower = better)
  • Displays the efficiency score for an image (higher = better)

That’s some fairly important information to have at your fingertips, especially for a developer trying to create Docker images that are as efficient and secure as possible. You certainly don’t want to include unnecessary applications in the layers of your images, and Dive is a great way to discern exactly what’s there.

Let’s get Dive installed.

What You’ll Need

Dive can be installed on Ubuntu, Red Hat Enterprise Linux and Arch-based distributions, as well as MacOS and Windows. I’m going to demonstrate the process on Ubuntu 22.04. If you use a different operating system, you’ll need to alter the installation process of both Docker and Dive. For MacOS, Dive can be installed with either Homebrew or MacPorts, and on Windows, Dive can be installed with a downloaded installer file for the OS.

Installing Docker

To examine an image with Dive, you must be able to first pull it with Docker (unless you plan on creating your own Docker images…which means you’ll need Docker installed anyway). Here’s how you can install the Docker runtime engine on Ubuntu 22.04.

First, you must download and install the official Docker GPG key (so you can install the software). To do this, log into your Ubuntu instance, open a terminal window and issue the command:

With the GPG key added, it’s time to create the proper Docker repository, which can be done with the following command:

Now that the repository is correctly added, we’ll install a few dependencies with the command:

Before we can install Docker, we must now update apt with:

Install Docker with the command:

In order to allow your user to work with Docker (without having to employ sudo, which can be a security issue), you must add the user to the docker group with the command:

Log out and log back in so the changes take effect.

Installing Dive

It’s now time to install Dive. On Ubuntu, this is also done from the command line. There are three commands to use.

The first command defines the latest dive version to an environment variable called DIVE_VERSION. That command is:

Next, we download the latest version with the command:

The above command will download a .deb file to the current working directory. You can then install Dive with:

When the installation completes, you’re ready to test the application.

Using Dive

With both Dive and Docker installed, Dive is capable not only of diving into a container image but also of pulling the image as well.

Let’s say you want to examine the latest Alpine Docker image. The command for that would be:

Once the images are pulled, Dive will display the contents of the images, showing each layer and the contents within (Figure 1).


Figure 1: The Dive tool showing the layers for the latest Alpine image.

Dive automatically pulls the image from Docker Hub. You can define a different source using the source option, like so:

Where IMAGE is the name of the image you want to pull and SOURCE is the location of the repository.

To exit from Dive, use the [Ctr]+[C] keyboard combination.

Let’s say you want to examine the MongoDB image. Do that with the command:

Given this is a far more complicated image, you’ll find multiple layers. You can navigate between the layers with your cursor keys. The currently selected layer will be indicated by a small purple square (Figure 2).


Figure 2: We’ve dived into the latest MongoDB image and have found multiple layers.

If you hit the Tab key, you’ll move the cursor to the right pane, where you can then use your cursor keys to navigate the layer hierarchy.

In the bottom left pane, you’ll see the wasted space and image efficiency information. If this is a custom image and those details aren’t satisfactory, you’ll need to do a bit of work on the image, rebuild it and dive back in.

And that’s pretty much the basics of using the Dive tool to view the contents of any Docker image. Hopefully, this command line application will help you build more efficient and secure images (or at least understand exactly what makes up the images you use).

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TNS owner Insight Partners is an investor in: Docker.
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