Will JavaScript type annotations kill TypeScript?
The creators of Svelte and Turbo 8 both dropped TS recently saying that "it's not worth it".
Yes: If JavaScript gets type annotations then there's no reason for TypeScript to exist.
No: TypeScript remains the best language for structuring large enterprise applications.
TBD: The existing user base and its corpensource owner means that TypeScript isn’t likely to reach EOL without a putting up a fight.
I hope they both die. I mean, if you really need strong types in the browser then you could leverage WASM and use a real programming language.
I don’t know and I don’t care.
Microservices / Software Development / WebAssembly

Case Study: A WebAssembly Failure, and Lessons Learned

A duo set out to explore the use of Wasm for microservices and found is not as mature and a bit more complicated than running it in the browser.
May 25th, 2023 7:00am by
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Image of Will Christensen (left) and Kingdon Barrett by Susan Hall.

VANCOUVER — In their talk “Microservices and WASM, Are We There Yet?” at the Linux Foundation’s Open Source Summit North America, Kingdon Barrett, of Weaveworks, and Will Christensen, of Defense Unicorns, said they were surprised as anyone that their talk was accepted since they were newbies who had spent about three weeks delving into this nascent technology.

And their project failed. (Barrett argued, “It only sort of failed  … We accomplished the goal of the talk!”)

But they learned a lot about what WebAssembly, or Wasm, can and cannot do.

“Wasm has largely delivered on its promise in a browser and in apps, but what about for microservices?” the pair’s talk synopsis summarized. “We didn’t know either, so we tried to build a simple project that seemed fun, and learned Wasm for microservices is not as mature and a bit more complicated than running in the browser.”

“Are we there yet? Not really. There’s some caveats,” said Christensen. “But there are a lot of things that do work, but it’s not enough that I wouldn’t bet the farm on it kind of thing.”

Finding Wasm’s Limitations

Barrett, an open source support engineer at Weaveworks, called WebAssembly “this special compiled bytecode language that works on some kind of like a virtual machine that’s very native toward JavaScript. It’s definitely shown that is significantly faster than, let’s say, JavaScript running with the JIT (just-in-time compiler).

“And when you write software to compile for it, you just need to treat it like a different target — like on x86 or Arm architectures; we can compile to a lot of different targets.”

The speakers found there are limitations or design constraints, if you will:

  • You cannot access the network in an unpermissioned way.
  • You cannot pass a string as an argument to a function.
  • You cannot access the file system unless you have specified the things that are permitted.

“There is no string type,” Barrett said. “As far as I can tell, you have to manage memory and count the bytes you’re going to pass. Make sure you don’t lose that number. That’s a little awkward, but there is a way around that as well.”

One of the big potential benefits for government contractors with Wasm is the ability to use existing code and to retain people with deep knowledge in a particular language.

The talk was part of the OpenGovCon track at the conference.

“We came up with this concept, being the government space, that I thought was going to be really interesting for an ATO perspective” — authorized to operate — “which is, how do you enable continuous delivery while still maintaining a consistent environment?” Christensen said.

The government uses ATO certification to manage risk in contractors’ networks by evaluating the security controls for new and existing systems.

One of the big potential benefits for government contractors with Wasm, Christensen said, is the ability to use existing code and to retain people with deep knowledge in a particular language.

“You can use that, tweak it a little bit and get life out of it,” he said. “You may have some performance losses where there may be some nuances, but largely you can retain a lot of that domain language or that sort of domain knowledge and carry it over for the future.”

Barrett and Christensen set out to write a Kubernetes operator.

“I wanted to write something in Go … so all your functions for this or wherever you need come in the event hooks,” Christensen said.

Then, instead of calling the state a function, or a class that you have inside of that monolithic operating design, the idea is that you can reference somehow the last value store. It could be a Redis cache, database, or object storage. Wasm is small enough that at load time, a small binary can be loaded at initialization.

If cold start times are not a problem, you could write something that will go request, pull a Wasm module, load, run and return the result.

And, Christensen continued, “if you really want to get creative, you can shove it in as a config map inside of Kubernetes and … whatever you want to do, but the biggest thing is Wasm gets pulled in. And the idea is you call it almost like a function, and you just execute it.

“And each one of those executions would be a sandbox so you can control the exposure and security and what’s exposed throughout the entire operator. … You could statically compile the entire operator and control it that way. Anyone who wants to work in the sandbox with modules, they would have the freedom within the sandbox to execute. This is the dream. … Well, it didn’t work.”

The idea was that there would be stringent controls in a sandbox about how the runtime would be exposed to the Wasm module, which would include logging and traceability for compliance.

Runtimes and Languages

WebAssembly is being hailed for its ability to compile from any language, though Andrew Cornwall, a Forrester analyst, told The New Stack that it’s easier to compile languages that do not have garbage collectors, so languages such as Java, Python and interpreted languages tend to be more difficult to run in WebAssembly than languages such as C or Rust.

Barrett and Christensen took a few runtimes and languages for (ahem) a spin. Here’s what they found:

Fermyon Spin

Runtime class has been available since Kubernetes v1.12. It’s easy to get started, light on controls. The design requires privileged access to your nodes. Containerd shims control which nodes get provisioned with the runtime.


“There’s a field on the deployment class called runtimeClassName, and you can set that to whatever you want, as long as containerd knows what that means. So Kwasm operator breaks into the host node and sets up some containerd configuration imports of binary from wherever — this is not production ready,” Barrett said, unless you already had separate controls around all of those knobs and know how to authorize that type of grant safely.

He added, “Anyway, this was very easy to get your Wasm modules to run directly on Kubernetes this way, despite it does require privileged access to the nodes and it’s definitely not ATO.”


WASI (WebAssembly System Interface) provides system interfaces; WAGI (WebAssembly Gateway Interface) permits standard IO to be treated as a connection.

“Basically, you don’t have to handle connections, the runtime handles that for you,” Barrett said. “That’s how I would summarize WAGI, and WASI is the system interface that makes that possible. You have standard input, standard output, you have the ability to share memory, and functions — you can import them or export them, call them from inside or outside of the Wasm, but only in ways that you permit.”


WasmEdge Runtime, based on C++, became a Cloud Native Computing Foundation project in 2021.

The speakers extolled an earlier talk at the conference by Michael Yuan, a maintainer of the project, and urged attendees to look for it.


Barrett and Christensen touted the documentation on these runtime projects.

“There are a lot of language examples that are pretty much parallel to what I went through … and it started to click for me,” Barrett said. “I didn’t really understand WASI at first, but going through those examples made it pretty clear.”

They’re designed to get you thinking about low-level constructs of Wasm:

  • What is possible with a function, memory, compiler.
  • How to exercise these directly from within the host language.
  • How to separate your business logic.
  • Constraints in these environments will help you scope your project’s deliverable functions down smaller and smaller.

Wasmtime or Wasmer run examples in WAT (WebAssembly Text Format), a textual representation of the Wasm binary format, something to keep in mind when working in a language like Go. If you’re trying to figure out how to call modules in Go and it’s not working, check out Wazero, the zero-dependency WebAssembly runtime written in Go, Barrett said.


It has first-class support and the most documentation, the speakers noted.

“If you have domain knowledge of Rust already, you can start exploring right now how to use Wasm in your production workflow,” Christensen said.


Wasm was first designed for use in web browsers. There’s a lot of information out there already about the V8 engine running code that wasn’t just JavaScript in the browser. V8 is implemented in C++ with support for JavaScript. That same V8 engine is found at the heart of NodeJS and Deno. The browser-native JavaScript runtimes in something like Node.js or Deno are what made their use with Wasm so simple.

“A lot of the websites that had the integration already with the V8 engine, so we found that from the command line from a microservices perspective was kind of really easy to implement,” Christensen said.

“So the whole concept about the strings part, about passing it with a pointer, if you’re running Node.js and Deno, you can pass strings natively and you don’t even know it’s any different. …Using Deno, it was really simple to implement. …There are a lot of examples that we’ve discovered, one of which is ‘Hello World,’ actually works. I can compile it so it actually runs and can pass a string and get a string out simply from a web assembly module with Deno.”

Christensen said that Deno or Node.js currently provides the best combination of WASM support that is production ready with a sufficient developer experience.

A Few Caveats

“But a little bit of warning when you go to compile,” Christensen said. “What we have discovered is: all WASM is not compiled the same.”

There are three compilers for Wasm:

  • Singlepass doesn’t have the fastest runtime, but has the fastest compilation.
  • Cranelift is a main engine used in Wasmer and Wasmtime. It doesn’t have the fastest runtime; it’s much better, but it’s still a bizarre compilation.
  • LLVM has the slowest compile time. No one who’s ever used LVM is surprised there, but it is the fastest runtime.

A Few Problems

Pointer functions for handling strings are problematic. String passing, specifically with Rust, even when done correctly, could decrease performance by up to 20 times, they said.

There is a significant difference between compiled and interpreted languages when compiled to a WASM target. Wasm binaries for Ruby and Python may see 20 to 50MG penalties compared to Go or Rust because of the inclusion of the interpreter.

“And specifically, just because we’re compiling Ruby or Python to Wasm, you do need to compile the entire interpreter into it,” Christensen said. “So that means if you are expecting Wasm to be better for boot times and that kind of stuff, if you’re using an interpreted language, you are basically shoving the entire interpreter into the Wasm binary and then running your code to be on the interpreter. So please take note that it’s not a uniform experience.”

“If you’re using an interpreted language, it’s still interpreted in Wasm,” Barrett said. “If you’re passing the script itself into Wasm, the interpreter is compiled in Wasm but the script is still interpreted.”

And Christensen added, “You’re restricted to the runtime restrictions of the browser itself, which means sometimes they may be single-threaded. Good, bad, just be aware.”

A web browser, Deno and Node.js all use the V8 engine, meaning they all exhibit the same limitations when running Wasm.

And language threading needs to be known at runtime for both host and module.

“One thing I’ve noticed: in Go, if I use the HTTP module to do a request from a Wasm-compiled Go module from Deno, there is no way that I can turn around and make sure that’s not gonna break the threaded nature of Deno and that V8 engine,” Christensen said.

He added, “Maybe there’s an answer there, but I didn’t find it. So if you are just getting started and you’re just trying to mess around and try to find all that happening, just know that you may spend some time there.”

And what happens when you have a C dependency with your RubyGem?

Barrett said he didn’t try that at all.

“Most Ruby dependencies are probably native Ruby, not native extensions,” he said. “They’re pure Ruby, but a ‘native extension’ is Ruby compiling C code. And then you have to deal with C code now,” in addition to Ruby.

“Of course, C compiles to Wasm, so I’m sure there is a solution for this. But I haven’t found anyone who has solved it yet.”

It applies to some Python packages as well, Christensen said.

“They [Python eggs] are using the binary modules as well, so there is definitely no way to do a [native system] binary translation into Wasm — binary to binary,” he said. “So if you need to do it, you need to get your hands dirty, compile the library itself to Wasm, then compile whatever gem or package that function calls are there.”

The speakers said that in working with Wasm, they found that ChatGPT wasn’t very helpful and that debugging can be harsh.

So, Should You Be Excited about Wasm?

“Yes. There’s plenty of reasons to be excited,” Christensen said. “It may not be ready yet, but I definitely think it’s enough to move forward and start playing around yourself.”

When Wasm is fully mature, he said, it will have benefits in terms of tech workforce retention, especially in governmental organizations: “You can take existing workforce, you don’t have to re-hire and you can get longevity out of them. Especially to have all that wonderful domain knowledge and you don’t have to re-solve the same problem using a new tool.

“If you have a lot of JavaScript stuff, [you’ll have] better control over it and it runs faster, which is the whole reason why Wasm is interesting,” Christensen said. The reason is that JavaScript compiled to Wasm is much faster, as the V8 engine no longer has to do “just-in-time” operations.

“And then finally, I’m sure a lot of you have an ARM MacBook, and then you try to deploy something to the cloud,” he said. “And next thing you realize, ‘Oh look, my entire stack is in x86.’ Well, Wasm magically does take care of this. I did test this out on a Mac Mini and ran it on a brand new AMD 64 system and Deno couldn’t tell the difference.”

WebAssembly is ready to be tested, Christensen said, and the open source community is the way to make that happen.

“Let the maintainers know; start talking about it. Bring up issues. We need more working examples. That’s missing. We can’t even get ChatGPT to give us anything decent,” he said, so the community is relying on its members to experiment with it and share their experiences.

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TNS owner Insight Partners is an investor in: The New Stack, Deno, fermyon.
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